A list of my direct and indirect Godot contributions, including open-source projects made with the engine, educational content as well my direct contributions to Godot’s source code.
Godot Pull-Requests (PRs *)
- Editor Enhancement: While the Script Editor Plugin is active, makes it optional to switch Editor Plugins when selecting Nodes in the Scene Tree #63344
- Feature: Add Selection and Caret for Next Occurrence of Selection #67644
- Enhancement: Add math operators to Visual Shader node names for easier and simpler searching
- All PRs
- * When you make a Pull-Request to the Godot Engine, you are contributing to the Engine/Editor itself.
After reaching 10 contributions, I’m now added as an “official” Developer in the About section (I’m quoting “official”, because technically as soon as you make a single contribution you are already a Godot Developer and Contributor):

Open-Source Projects
- User Interface Project: Godello
- Game System: Dynamic Inventory System from Zelda Breath of the Wild
- Library: Godot Phoenix Channels
- Godot Engine In-game Splat Map Texture Painting (Dirt Removal Effect)
- Shader: Godot Object Space Dissolve (Godot 3)
- Shader: UV and Normals Unwrap (Mesh Projection as UV) World Aligned


- From Unity to Godot: Game Objects and Components in Godot?
- In-game vertex painting with Godot Engine (Wash Car Effect)
- Godot Engine Lovable Features (plus UE and Unity similarities)
- Godot’s 3D Workflow Issues, Inconsistencies, and Confusion
- How to Properly Setup Git for Unreal Engine, Unity and Godot Projects
- 152: Match-3 Game with Godot
- From Unity to Godot: Game Objects and Components in Godot?
- 🇧🇷 6 Open-Source Projects to Test 3D in Godot 3.4
- 🇧🇷 Introdução Godot Engine – Tutorial rápido de Godot, Nodes, Scenes, GDScript – 1


Issues and Bug Fixes
- Seamless looping animations stutter at the last frame before looping #65513 (and the fix, in my fork of Godot)
Coffee, Coins, Thumbs Up, and Newsletter
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- Personal / Hobby
- Work In Progress
- GDScript
- Godot
- Gamedev